Signed in as:
Events - Includes a meet and greet at the school, volunteer orientation, and participation in read across America.
Tutor and Mentor - Includes opportunities to Tutor or Mentor on different days and at different times. The emphasis this year is on Reading Tutors in first and second grades but feel free to volunteer in other areas. Each day of the week has a sign up for being a reading tutor. First grade and second grade tutoring times are back-to-back so it's easy to sign up for both on the same day.
Teacher Support - Include preparing classroom materials and cafeteria monitoring.
If you would like to support our efforts, please add Supply VIPS to the description of your donation. You can make a donation to Supply Elementary online here. Checks should be made out to Supply Elementary and sent to Supply Elementary, 51 Benton Rd SE, Supply, NC 28462, Attn: Ramona Schuster.
We all have other things in our lives, so it is not a surprise when we need to miss a day and that's OK. If you know in advance, it's courteous to let both the teacher and the student you are working with know that you'll be missing. Alternately, drop an email to the teacher that you are working with.
Copyright © 2024 Supply Elementary Volunteers in Public Schools - All Rights Reserved.
This information/publication does not represent the views of the Brunswick County School system, nor does it constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Brunswick County Schools.